A Critical Design web app that addresses consumerism, camouflaged advertising and the power of social media through YouTube stars and their shared content. Unfortunately, you can’t experience ham$ta online right now, because my database service Parse was shut down (by Facebook) and the YouTube API has changed. I will replace and fix this as soon as I find time! In the meanwhile check out the code here on github and enjoy the trailer I prepared when it was working.
This is made with AngularJS, D3.js, Node.js (socket.io), Parse, Kimono and the YouTube API.
Read the summary of my final presentation here.
See that presentation here (be advised, big files, incl. videos).
More about the design process is found at my D+T Blog.
Edit September 30, 2015:
About half a year later YouTube announces (one, two) you can now buy products you see in videos with one click. I always said my app was not far away from the future. And my point was always to raise the question of “Do we really want that development?”. My project is critical in a sense that the products get added to your cart automatically and there is no way to delete anything other than just close it.